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The command line interface: @vite-pwa/assets-generator.

  • 💥 build your PWA assets from a single command, using only 2 options: preset and source
  • 🔌 supports custom configurations via pwa-assets.config.js or pwa-assets.config.ts


This package is shipped with the @vite-pwa/assets-generator package:

pnpm add -D @vite-pwa/assets-generator
yarn add -D @vite-pwa/assets-generator
npm install -D @vite-pwa/assets-generator


$ pwa-assets-generator [options] [sources]


The source files should be relative to root.

Example using command line:

$ pwa-assets-generator --preset minimal-2023 public/logo.svg

or using package configuration:

  "scripts": {
    "generate-pwa-assets": "pwa-assets-generator --preset minimal-2023 public/logo.svg"


All PWA assets will be generated in the same source folder.


-v, --versionDisplay version number
-r, --root <path>Define the project root, defaults to process.cwd()
-c, --config <path>Path to config file
-p, --preset <preset-name>Built-in preset name: minimal (default), minimal-2023, android, windows, ios or all
-o, --overrideOverride assets? Defaults to true
-h, --helpDisplay available CLI options


PWA Assets Generator has 5 built-in presets, check out the preset definition and types definition:

  • Minimal Preset 2023 (minimal-2023) New from v0.1.0
  • Minimal Preset (minimal) Deprecated from v0.1.0
  • iOS Preset (ios): (WIP)
  • Windows Preset (windows): (WIP)
  • Android Preset (android): (WIP)
  • Full Preset (all: android, windows and ios presets combined): (WIP)

You can also define your own preset, to use it you will need to add pwa-assets config file to the root of your project.

Built-in features


Create a pwa-assets.config.js or pwa-assets.config.ts configuration file in the root-level of your project to customize PWA assets generator CLI:

import {
  minimalPreset2023 as preset
} from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  images: ['public/logo.svg']


CLI options will override the configuration file options.

You can use one of the built-in presets or just define your own, this is the minimal-2023 preset definition:

import type { Preset } from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config';

export const minimal2023Preset: Preset = {
  transparent: {
    sizes: [64, 192, 512],
    favicons: [[48, 'favicon.ico']]
  maskable: {
    sizes: [512]
  apple: {
    sizes: [180]

Then run the CLI from the command line:

$ pwa-assets-generator

or configure it in your package.json and run it via your package manager from the command line:

  "scripts": {
    "generate-pwa-assets": "pwa-assets-generator"

From version v0.1.0, the @vite-pwa/assets-generator CLI will generate the favicon and apple touch icon links.

If you're using any of the built-in presets from the CLI, the preset will be auto-detected.

If you're using the configuration file, you will need to include the new headLinkOptions option in your configuration file to configure the new preset 2023 layout for your favicons and apple touch icon links:

export interface HeadLinkOptions {
   * Base path to generate the html head links.
   * @default '/'
  basePath?: string
   * The preset to use.
   * If using the built-in presets from CLI (`minimal` or `minimal-2023`), this option will be ignored (will be set to `default` or `2023` for `minimal` and `minimal-2023` respectively).
   * @default 'default'
  preset?: HtmlLinkPreset
   * By default, the SVG favicon will use the SVG file name as the name.
   * For example, if you provide `public/logo.svg` as the image source, the name will be `<basePath>logo.svg`.
   * @param name The name of the SVG icons.
  resolveSvgName?: (name: string) => string

PNG output names

The PNG files names will be generated using the following function (can be found in utils module):

export function defaultAssetName(type: AssetType, size: ResolvedAssetSize) {
  switch (type) {
    case 'transparent':
      return `pwa-${size.width}x${size.height}.png`
    case 'maskable':
      return `maskable-icon-${size.width}x${size.height}.png`
    case 'apple':
      return `apple-touch-icon-${size.width}x${size.height}.png`

You can override the PNG output names providing custom assetName option:

import {
} from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  preset: {
    assetName: (type: AssetType, size: ResolvedAssetSize) => {
      /* your logic here */
  images: ['public/logo.svg']

PNG Padding

When generating PNG files, PWA Assets Generator will apply the following padding:

  • for transparent PNG files: 0.05
  • for maskable and apple PNG files: 0.3

0 is no padding, 0.3 is a typical value for most icons.

These values can be customized inside a custom preset:

import type { Preset } from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config';

export const minimalPresetNoPadding: Preset = {
  transparent: {
    sizes: [64, 192, 512],
    favicons: [[48, 'favicon.ico']],
    padding: 0
  maskable: {
    sizes: [512],
    padding: 0
  apple: {
    sizes: [180],
    padding: 0

PNG optimization/compression

By default, all generated PNG files are optimized using:

  compressionLevel: 9,
  quality: 60

You can provide your optimization options using png option, check the options in sharp png output options:

import {
} from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  preset: {
    png: {
      compressionLevel: 9,
      quality: 85
  images: ['public/logo.svg']


PWA Assets Generator will generate favicons when explicitly defined in the preset. If you want to generate favicons, but not the corresponding PWA icons, add the favicons sizes you want to generate, PWA Assets Generator will generate the PWA icon to generate the corresponding favicon and once generated, the PWA icon will be removed.

For example, if you want to generate a 48x48 favicon using the default preset, you can use the following configuration:

import { defineConfig } from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({
  /* remember to include the preset for favicons and apple touch icon */
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  preset: {
    transparent: {
      sizes: [64, 192, 512],
      favicons: [[48, "favicon-48x48.ico"], [64, "favicon.ico"]]
    maskable: {
      sizes: [512]
    apple: {
      sizes: [180]
  images: ['public/logo.svg'],

PWA Assets Generator will generate the public/pwa-48x48.png PWA icon, then generate the corresponding favicon (public/favicon-48x48.ico) and finally remove the PWA icon (public/pwa-48x48.png).

iOS/iPad Splash Screens

PWA Assets Generator will generate iOS/iPad splash screens when explicitly defined in the preset: iOS and iPadOS in

You can use createAppleSplashScreens function to create the splash screens configuration using global configuration and the device names you want to generate the splash screens for.

If the device names are not provided in the createAppleSplashScreens function, PWA Assets Generator will generate splash screens for all devices (defined in the splash module).

PWA Assets Generator will generate the landscape and portrait PNG files per device. If you also want to generate the dark splash screens, you will end up with four PNG files per device.

For example, if you want to generate splash screens for iPad Air 9.7" device, you can use the following configuration (the values in the example are the default ones if you don't provide any configuration):

import {
} from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  preset: {
    appleSplashScreens: createAppleSplashScreens({
      padding: 0.3,
      resizeOptions: { background: 'white', fit: 'contain' },
      // by default, dark splash screens are exluded
      // darkResizeOptions: { background: 'black' },
      linkMediaOptions: {
        // will log the links you need to add to your html pages
        log: true,
        // add screen to media attribute link?
        // by default:
        // <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="..." media="screen and ...">
        addMediaScreen: true,
        basePath: '/',
        // add closing link tag?
        // by default:
        // <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="..." media="...">
        // with xhtml enabled:
        // <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="..." media="..." />
        xhtml: false
      png: {
        compressionLevel: 9,
        quality: 60
      name: (landscape, size, dark) => {
        return `apple-splash-${landscape ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'}-${typeof dark === 'boolean' ? (dark ? 'dark-' : 'light-') : ''}${size.width}x${size.height}.png`
    }, ['iPad Air 9.7"'])
  images: ['public/logo.svg']

You can also use combinePresetAndAppleSplashScreens to combine the preset and the splash screens configuration:

import {
} from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  preset: combinePresetAndAppleSplashScreens(
    minimal2023Preset, {
      padding: 0.3,
      resizeOptions: { background: 'white', fit: 'contain' },
      // by default, dark splash screens are exluded
      // darkResizeOptions: { background: 'black' },
      linkMediaOptions: {
        // will log the links you need to add to your html pages
        log: true,
        // add screen to media attribute link?
        // by default:
        // <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="..." media="screen and ...">
        addMediaScreen: true,
        basePath: '/',
        // add closing link tag?
        // by default:
        // <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="..." media="...">
        // with xhtml enabled:
        // <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="..." media="..." />
        xhtml: false
      png: {
        compressionLevel: 9,
        quality: 60
      name: (landscape, size, dark) => {
        return `apple-splash-${landscape ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'}-${typeof dark === 'boolean' ? (dark ? 'dark-' : 'light-') : ''}${size.width}x${size.height}.png`
    ['iPad Air 9.7"']
  images: ['public/logo.svg']

Dark Splash Screens

If you also want to generate dark splash screens, you can provide an empty darkResizeOptions option (the generator will set background: 'black' and 'fit: 'contain' if missing) or providing any other options. Following with the previous example:

import {
} from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  preset: combinePresetAndAppleSplashScreens(minimal2023Preset, {
    // dark splash screens using black background (the default)
    darkResizeOptions: { background: 'black', fit: 'contain' },
    // or using a custom background color
    // darkResizeOptions: { background: '#1f1f1f' },
  }, ['iPad Air 9.7"']),
  images: ['public/logo.svg']

Advanced Configuration

We strongly suggest using the global configuration, providing padding, resizeOptions, darkResizeOptions and png options globally, PWA Assets Generator will configure any splash screen device options properly.

If you still want to use a custom configuration per device, you can provide padding, resizeOptions, darkResizeOptions and png options per device, but you will need to configure them via some custom logic. You can use the following exports from the config module (check the splash module, all splash exports being exported also in the @vite-pwa/assets-generator/config module):

  • AppleDeviceName: all Apple device names
  • appleSplashScreenSizes: all Apple splash screen sizes including the scale factor
  • AllAppleDeviceNames: all Apple device names as an array
  • createAppleSplashScreens: the logic inside that function is quite simple, you can use it as a starting point to create your own splash screens configuration

resizeOptions and darkResizeOptions are ResizeOptions from Sharp

For example, to create this custom configuration:

  • generate dark splash screens
  • global configuration with 0.5 padding, default splash screen names and #1f1f1f background color for dark splash screens
  • create splash screens for iPad Air 9.7" device using global configuration
  • create splash screens for iPhone 6 device using a custom configuration:
    • padding: 0.4
    • custom splash screen name
    • #2f2f2f background color for dark splash screens

you can use the following configuration:

import {
  type AppleDeviceName,
  type AppleDeviceSize,
} from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

const devices: AppleDeviceName[] = ['iPad Air 9.7"', 'iPhone 6']

function createCustomAppleSplashScreens(
  options: {
    padding?: number
    resizeOptions?: ResizeOptions
    darkResizeOptions?: ResizeOptions
    linkMediaOptions?: AppleTouchStartupImageOptions
    name?: AppleSplashScreenName
  } = {}
) {
  const {
  } = options

  return <AppleSplashScreens>{
    sizes: => {
      const size = appleSplashScreenSizes[deviceName]
      if (deviceName === 'iPhone 6') {
        return <AppleDeviceSize>{
          size: { ...size, padding: 0.4 },
          darkResizeOptions: { background: '#2f2f2f' },
          name: (landscape, size, dark) => `iphone6-${landscape ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'}${dark ? '-dark' : ''}.png`

      return size

export default defineConfig({
  headLinkOptions: {
    preset: '2023'
  preset: {
    appleSplashScreens: createCustomAppleSplashScreens({
      padding: 0.5,
      darkResizeOptions: { background: '#1f1f1f' },
  images: ['public/logo.svg']

Released under the MIT License.